Pro Tips for Gardening at Home

Robina Yaseen
4 min readJul 29, 2020
Photo by Benjamin Combs by Unsplash

“The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul.” — Alfred Austin

Gardening is a very friendly hobby and provides a good atmosphere. It will relax your mind and mood. Gardening is an art and fun activity to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In your garden, you can grow plants, vegetables, and flowers as desired. If you want to start gardening, you only need to follow these steps:

Choose what you want to cultivate in your garden

Select an appropriate site

Soil testing

Equipments for gardening

Use kits to introduce plants into the soil

Maintain water requirements of plants

Explore your new garden

Choose what you want to cultivate in your garden

This is the initial requirement for gardening. First of all, measure your garden area and pick up those plants which easily grow. You may grow roses, sun-flower, impatiens, cosmos, and some vegetables like green chili, tomatoes, basil, coriander, mint, spinach, and many more. You may communicate with experienced gardeners of your local area for further information.

Select an appropriate site

“For edible, rule number one is you need full sun,” Dimitrov says. Some plants need direct sunlight and some need shade for growth. The vegetables require direct sunlight for at least 6–7 hours per day. The main components that are necessary for gardening are soil, water, and sunlight. A water supply should be near to your garden. Vegetables flourish in fertile land and water moves quickly in the soil.

Soil testing

A soil test is important to check the soil type, fertility rate, and which nutrients are required for the growth of plants. Simply you can send your soil sample to the lab for testing or use soil-testing kits. These test kits are available in online stores or garden stores nearby your house. The pH of soil is 7 which is neutral pH. For further information, you may visit 3 SIMPLE DIY SOIL TESTS.

Photo by Eco Warrior Princess on Unsplash

Equipments for gardening

Every gardener needs tools to beautify his/her garden. Gather simple tools as you are exploring how to cultivate plants. These tools will help you in your gardening activities. Ensure that your tools are sharp and clean for a better experience. Some essential equipments are listed following:-

· Garden fork

· Garden hoe

· A trowel

· Scuffle hoe

· Kneeling pad

· A spade

· Water-resistant gloves

· Shovel

· Pruners

· A watering can

Photo by Janelle Hewines on Unsplash

Use kits to introduce plants into the soil

You can grow plants in pots or containers and label them with their names. You can also use multiple trays for your crop to germinate well. This is the easiest way to introduce plants into the soil. Dig a hole for planting. Simply, remove the plant from the jar or pot and gently place it into the hole. Add some soil around it and give water immediately. After several days of planting, keep checking your plants and remove weeds from the plants. Don’t plant things close too together.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Maintain water requirement of plants

A rule for watering is that during the growing period plants need about 1 inch of water per week. The best time for watering plants is the morning and evening times of the day. Always maintain the moisture of the soil. Use water can for watering. Don’t overwater the plants.

Explore your garden

Gardening is a slow process and it requires patience because plants grow gradually. Walk daily into your garden for 10 minutes. Observe the plants growth and maintain the quality of soil. Take care of your plants as your child.

“A garden isn’t meant to be useful. It’s for joy.” Rumer Godden

